
Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world

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Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world
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About Status

Status is an open source messaging platform and mobile browser that provides users with the ability to chat, make audio/video calls, send and receive payments, browse web3 apps, and more. It aims to drive the adoption of Ethereum and enable broader access to decentralized technologies.

The Status app serves as a hub for managing cryptocurrency assets, communicating securely, accessing Web3 services, and engaging with decentralized applications. The project was founded in 2016 and has seen significant growth and development in recent years.

Origin and Development

Status was co-founded by Jarrad Hope and Carl Bennetts in 2016. Hope had previously founded an Android security company called Sudo Security Group. The two recognized the potential for an Ethereum-based messaging app that could enable censorship resistant communications and transactions.

The Status project conducted an ICO in June 2017 which raised over $100 million worth of Ether. This allowed the team to expand and build out the platform. A beta version of the Status app was released in 2018 for Android and iOS.

Over the years, Status has continued adding features and capabilities to create an all-in-one portal for messaging, finance, and web3 services. It has fostered partnerships with other projects to integrate dApps and DeFi services into the Status ecosystem.

Features and Capabilities

Messaging App

At its core, Status provides an encrypted messaging platform similar to WhatsApp or Signal. Users can chat with friends, engage in group conversations, and make encrypted audio/video calls.

Status uses peer-to-peer technology to transmit messages between users. This provides censorship resistance by avoiding centralized servers. The app also has a private notification system for messages.

Crypto Wallet

The Status app includes a non-custodial multi-currency wallet, allowing users to store, send, and receive popular cryptocurrencies. This includes ETH, ERC-20 tokens, and SNT (Status’ own token).

The combination of messaging and payments facilitates direct monetary transactions between Status users. Payments can be made via QR codes, usernames, or Ethereum addresses.

Web3 Browser

Status has an integrated DApp browser that provides access to decentralized applications. These include DeFi apps, NFT marketplaces, DAO platforms, games, social networks and more.

This allows Status to serve as a portal for discovering and using open finance and web3 services from one place. Users don’t need to download multiple apps to access different dApps.

Decentralized Apps

In addition to browsing web3 apps, Status lets users download standalone decentralized apps directly within the platform. It features an app store with various dApps optimized for mobile devices.

Popular apps include blockchain games, social networks, identity services, ecosystems like Uniswap, and NFT creators. This provides a curated dApp experience targeted for mobile utility.

The SNT Token

Purpose and Utility

Status uses an ERC-20 utility token called SNT to power its platform. SNT is used to incentivize nodes on the Status network and can also be utilized for tipping, governance, and payments.

Users can opt to view ads within the Status app and get rewarded with SNT tokens. This provides an alternative business model compared to collecting user data for advertising.

Initial Coin Offering

Status conducted an ICO in June 2017 and raised over $100 million by selling SNT tokens. This represented over 10% of the total token supply. The ICO price was around $0.03 per SNT.

The successful ICO helped fund early development. However, SNT’s price and market cap has fallen since then as the broader crypto markets declined over 2018-2020. The token has potential to gain value if Status network activity and demand grows.

Technology Stack

Built on Ethereum

Status leverages the Ethereum blockchain to transmit messages, store data in a censorship resistant manner, and integrate with Ethereum financial services. All SNT tokens conform to the ERC-20 standard.

This allows Status to tap into the safety, decentralization, and active development ecosystem of Ethereum. The project plans to eventually integrate with Eth2.0 and its PoS consensus model as well.

Encrypted Communications

Status uses end-to-end encryption for secure messaging between users. This prevents messages from being intercepted and read by third parties as it is transmitted.

The app also uses Tor connectivity and IP masking techniques for additional anonymity. No personal data or identifiers are required to create an account.

Open Source Project

Status is an open source project with code repositories publicly available on GitHub. This allows community developers to inspect the codebase, build new features, flag issues, and propose improvements.

An open development approach aligns with Status’ commitment to transparency, decentralization, and censorship resistance in managing communications and transactions.

Status Network

Nodes and Incentives

The Status network is comprised of peer nodes that help relay messages and data between users. SNT tokens provide an incentive model to encourage nodes to offer bandwidth and computing resources.

Status uses “Proof-of-Value” to reward nodes that provide utility like hosting dApps, processing messages, uptime, and more. This decentralized infrastructure powers the platform.

Decentralization and Censorship Resistance

By operating as a P2P network without centralized intermediaries, Status offers strong censorship resistance and availability. There is no single company or entity that can block or manipulate transactions.

Status is planning to implement a modular governance framework called Statusphere. This will transition the network into a community-run organization supported by decentralized stakeholders.


Status (SNT) is a multi-functional application built on the Ethereum blockchain, designed to act as a messenger, crypto wallet, and decentralized application (dApp) browser. It aims to bring the benefits of the blockchain to everyday smartphone users, offering secure communication, a peer-to-peer payment gateway, and access to a world of decentralized applications.

Status was co-founded by Carl Bennetts and Jarrad Hope. Their vision was to create a decentralized, open-source platform that empowers users with control over their data and offers a gateway to decentralized applications on the Ethereum network.

Status functions through a unique blend of technologies. It employs the Ethereum blockchain for its operations, ensuring decentralization and security. As a messenger, it uses end-to-end encryption to secure communications. The integrated wallet allows for the storage and transfer of Ethereum-based assets, while the dApp browser enables users to interact with various decentralized applications directly through the app.

Status is used as a versatile tool in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Its primary functions include secure messaging, a crypto wallet for managing Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens, and a portal to access Ethereum-based decentralized applications. It serves as an all-in-one platform for those looking to leverage the full potential of the Ethereum ecosystem.

The SNT token can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Popular choices include Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken. These platforms offer different trading pairs and features, catering to a wide range of users from beginners to experienced traders.

For storing SNT tokens, there are several options including:

  • Hardware Wallets: Devices like Ledger Nano S or Trezor offer robust security by storing tokens offline.
  • Software Wallets: Mobile or desktop wallets such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet.
  • Decentralized Wallets: Non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets like IronWallet, which give users full control over their private keys and offer a balance between accessibility and security.

Status distinguishes itself with its combination of features – secure messaging, a cryptocurrency wallet, and a dApp browser, all in one mobile application. This integration creates a unique user experience, bringing the power of the Ethereum blockchain to smartphones. Additionally, its commitment to privacy and decentralization aligns it closely with the ethos of the wider blockchain community.

SNT is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, which means it cannot be mined in the traditional sense like Bitcoin. Instead, it was initially distributed through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The supply and distribution of SNT are governed by the token’s smart contract and the rules established by the Status network.

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