
Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world

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Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world
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About Qtum

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, Qtum emerges as a cutting-edge fusion of blockchain technologies, redefining the smart contract and dApp ecosystem. This open-source marvel integrates the best of Bitcoin and Ethereum, creating a hybrid powerhouse. At its core, Qtum deploys the innovative Mutualized Proof of Stake (MPoS) consensus algorithm, a strategic blend aimed at optimizing scalability, reliability, and security. Since its 2016 debut, Qtum has relentlessly evolved, undergoing significant enhancements to bolster its operational prowess. This platform is not just about merging blockchain giants, it’s about setting new standards in the digital ledger domain.

History of Qtum

In the dynamic world of tech innovation, Qtum stands out, thanks to the visionary trio of Patrick Dai, Jordan Earls, and Neil Mahi, who launched the platform in 2016. Patrick Dai, with a master’s in computer science and a rich background as CTO at VeChain and Bitse Group, now leads the Qtum Foundation. Jordan Earls, a prodigy who started coding at 13, now steers Earl Grey Tech and champions the Smart Contracts Alliance. Neil Mahi brings two decades of software development expertise and an MBA to the table.

This powerhouse team is bolstered by talent from tech behemoths like NASDAQ, Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu, and bolstered by the blockchain braintrust of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Financial fuel comes from top-tier venture capitalists and tech titans, marking Qtum as a project with robust backing.

Qtum’s technological trajectory hit a milestone with its 2019 hard fork, birthing Qtum 2.0. This upgrade revolutionized its consensus mechanism and unleashed innovations like confidential assets, offline staking, and seamless chain-cloud integration, setting new benchmarks in blockchain evolution.


Diving into the technological marvel that is Qtum, we find a seamless integration of Bitcoin’s robustness with Ethereum’s versatility, creating a blockchain platform primed for diverse applications. At its foundation, Qtum employs a tailored version of the Bitcoin Core codebase, establishing a stable and secure groundwork for blockchain operations.

Qtum’s architecture is a composite of critical layers, each serving a unique function:

  • The Account Abstract Layer stands at the forefront, a sophisticated mechanism that orchestrates accounts and transactions, drawing from Bitcoin’s UTXO model to ensure airtight security and clarity in transaction management.
  • The Smart Contract Execution Layer then takes the stage, utilizing the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to breathe life into smart contracts, providing a sandbox for executing decentralized logic with precision and efficiency.
  • At the core of network integrity is the Consensus Layer, which harmonizes node operations through a Proof of Stake algorithm, balancing efficiency with energy-conscious protocol governance.
  • The Application Interface Layer offers developers a playground for dApp creation, equipped with an array of development tools and APIs, ensuring a versatile and user-friendly environment for blockchain innovation.
  • Finally, the Decentralized Governance Protocol empowers Qtum token holders with a voice in the network’s evolution, fostering a democratic and forward-thinking community governance model.

In sum, Qtum’s technology stack is a meticulously engineered blend of proven blockchain principles and innovative smart contract capabilities, poised to revolutionize how decentralized applications are built and executed.

How does Qtum Work?

Qtum is redefining blockchain functionality with its innovative architecture that blends Bitcoin’s reliability with Ethereum’s smart contract versatility. At its core, Qtum takes Bitcoin’s robust transaction model (UTXO) and overlays it with a layer reminiscent of Ethereum’s virtual machine (EVM), enabling the execution of complex decentralized applications.

Diving deeper, Qtum introduces its groundbreaking Account Abstraction Layer (AAL), a technological marvel that seamlessly bridges Bitcoin’s foundational structure with the dynamic capabilities of smart contracts, akin to those on Ethereum. This layer facilitates the smooth integration and operation of smart contracts, allowing for advanced functionalities and enhanced blockchain interoperability.

At the heart of Qtum’s operational efficiency is the Mutualized Proof-of-Stake (MPoS) consensus mechanism. This innovative approach not only maintains network harmony but also incentivizes participants through a staking process. Validators on the network stake QTUM tokens to engage in transaction processing, earning rewards and transaction fees in return. This staking model ensures a fair distribution of rewards across the network, enhancing security by obfuscating the reward details to deter potential attacks.

Qtum’s design philosophy showcases a blend of proven security and innovative contract functionality, setting a new standard in the blockchain ecosystem.

The Qtum token

In the digital currency arena, the QTUM token emerges as a fusion of Bitcoin’s transactional reliability and Ethereum’s smart contract agility. Employed for transactions, smart contract execution, and fee payments, QTUM stands as a versatile player in the blockchain ecosystem.

Adopting Bitcoin’s Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model, QTUM ensures transaction integrity by matching inputs and outputs, giving each token a distinct value trail. Network validators are incentivized with new QTUM tokens, reinforcing network security and facilitating transaction and smart contract processes, with fees rewarding their efforts.

Beyond QTUM, the network introduces the QRC20 token, an Ethereum ERC-20 protocol ally, enabling the development of diverse decentralized applications on Qtum’s platform.

The genesis of QTUM saw 100 million coins instantly minted, setting the stage for its market entry. A public ICO in March 2017 released 51 million QTUM, while early backers and the project team received significant allocations, underscored by strategic lock-up periods. The Qtum Chain Foundation, a Singapore-based non-profit, governs the remaining supply, earmarked for business and academic endeavors.

QTUM’s supply dynamics are designed for sustainability, with a mining incentive structure that reduces by half every four years. This gradual reduction continues until the year 2045, when the supply cap is expected to peak at approximately 107.82 million QTUM, making it a finite resource in the digital currency ecosystem.

Pros and Cons

In the blockchain universe, Qtum stands out with a unique concoction of features. This platform is not just another player in the digital ledger space, it’s a synthesis of Bitcoin’s sturdy infrastructure and Ethereum’s smart contract prowess. Qtum is celebrated for its pioneering approach, integrating advanced technologies that push the boundaries of what blockchains can do.

Key strengths of Qtum include:

  • A seamless fusion of Bitcoin and Ethereum elements, offering the best of both worlds.
  • Cutting-edge technological framework, setting the stage for innovative blockchain applications.
  • Strategic partnerships that enhance its ecosystem and market presence.
  • A development team with a wealth of experience and a proven track record.
  • Robust security measures ensuring a trustworthy and reliable blockchain environment.

However, like any tech marvel, Qtum has its set of challenges:

  • Its adoption rate is on the slower side, hinting at potential growth areas.
  • A dependency on the underlying technologies of Bitcoin and Ethereum, which could pose risks if either of those faces issues.
  • The blockchain arena is fiercely competitive, with Qtum needing to constantly innovate to stay ahead.

In summary, while Qtum offers a compelling blend of features and benefits, potential investors should weigh these against the platform’s adoption pace, dependencies, and the broader competitive landscape.


QTUM can be purchased on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, OKX, and Huobi Global. It’s available as a trading pair with BTC, ETH, and stablecoins like USDT. Users can also acquire QTUM through crypto index funds like Grayscale’s Digital Large Cap Fund.

To securely store QTUM, users have several options:
  • Hardware wallets like Trezor provide offline storage and support QTUM.
  • Mobile wallets like Trust Wallet allow users to access their QTUM on the go.
  • Non-custodial wallets like IronWallet give users full control of private keys while still being accessible.
  • Qtum Core wallet offers an official desktop wallet supported by the Qtum team.

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