
Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world

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Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world
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About Kaspa

Kaspa is an open-source, public, proof-of-work blockchain protocol focused on scalability, security, decentralization and ease of use. The main goal of Kaspa is to become the world’s most scalable and secure blockchain protocol through innovative technical approaches while keeping an emphasis on decentralization and censorship resistance.

Kaspa utilizes a DAG-based block structure allowing high transaction throughput, fast transactions with UTXO model support, on-chain privacy through CoinJoin MIXes, native smart contracts with KASM virtual machine, proof-of-work consensus with fair block distribution and it’s native token KAS aims to become a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

History and Development

Kaspa development was initiated in 2021 by blockchain developers and researchers including the founder who previously worked at Chainzilla. The testnet was launched in May 2022 showcasing features like smart contracts, CoinJoin mixes and fair block distribution through VerusHash PoW algorithm.

In Q3 2022, Kaspa raised $3 million in a seed funding round from investors like Dragonfly Capital, Electric Capital, Coinbase Ventures and more. The mainnet was launched in October 2022 after undergoing rigorous tests and audits. It’s still in early development stages but shows promise to solve blockchain scalability issues.

Key Features of Kaspa

Some of the key features that set Kaspa apart include:

  • High Scalability: Through it’s block-lattice hybrid DAG structure, Kaspa can achieve high transaction throughput, fast block times while maintaining security. It aims to eventually achieve 100,000+ TPS.
  • UTXO Model Support: Kaspa supports the unspent transaction output (UTXO) model allowing accountability and auditability of funds.
  • On-chain Privacy: Using features like reusable addresses and CoinJoin MIXes, Kaspa provides transactional privacy natively on layer 1.
  • Smart Contracts: Kaspa has an advanced smart contract engine and virtual machine called KASM which allows developers to build decentralized apps.
  • Consensus Algorithm: Kaspa uses the energy efficient and ASIC resistant VerusHash 2.0 Proof-of-Work mining algorithm along with fair block distribution.
  • Decentralized Governance: Protocol upgrades through an on-chain governance model is planned to transition the network into a public blockchain.

Kaspa’s Consensus Mechanism

Kaspa utilizes a progressive Proof-of-Work consensus incorporating VerusHash 2.0 mining algorithm (verushash) which is both CPU & ASIC friendly with fair block distribution. TheDAG structure facilitates high scalability alongside fast block times of around 1 minute while retaining security derived from PoW sybil resistance and decentralization.

As the number of miners increase, block production is kept smooth through ‘fair block distribution’ which incentivizes solo-miners and prevents mining pool dominance. This lowers the threshold for participation and avoids miner centralization.

Monetary Policy and Token Distribution

Kaspa has a fixed capped supply of 1.344 billion KAS total with block subsidies decreasing gradually over 100 years. The block rewards halve roughly every 4 years similar to Bitcoin. Around 60% of the total supply will be distributed via block rewards to miners and 40% is allocated to project’s development, investors, partners and community.

Being an inflationary currency in the early years, Kaspa aims to provide an equitable distribution and sufficient decentralization in line with the network’s scalability growth while moving towards a deflationary disinflationary model long term.

Use Cases and Adoption

As a highly scalable, secure and decentralized layer 1, Kaspa unlocks the ability to build multitude of decentralized applications. Use cases include:

  • Medium of exchange coin for fast, low-cost daily transactions, online payments integrating KAS.
  • Builing decentralized finance products like DEXes, lending apps, derivatives on Kaspa smart contract platform
  • Supply chain solutions tracking products transparently leveraging blockchain’s transparency.
  • Digital Identity solutions establishing self-sovereign identities.
  • Data provenance platforms through immutable data timestamps enabled by KAS transactions.

The team is focused on rapid prototyping of applications and tooling on Kaspa to drive early adoption. With ecosystem incentives and funding in plan as the network matures, Kaspa has potential for mass adoption.

Challenges and Criticisms

As an emerging blockchain project, Kaspa needs to establish credibility around it’s technological claims and novel approaches in the face of criticism around scalability trilemma and centralization issues haunting current chains.

There are also blockchain challenges related to incentive designs to uphold integrity as interest and value flows into the network from many stakeholders. Concrete community governance programs have are needed to sustain decentralization longer term. Moreover, competent execution avoiding bottlenecks in the roadmap is vital.

On the external front, directly competing with the expanding smart contract and Web3 development happening on Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot etc. through the hopes of application-specific migration is an uphill task. Regulatory uncertainty also poses an overarching challenge dictating adoption avenues.


Kaspa brings a refreshing approach to blockchain scalability rooted in technical fundamentals while aligning incentives across stakeholders to drive decentralization and security based on proven models. With wider trends pointing at growing Web3 adoption across payments, DeFi, Metaverse etc, there is an evident need for scalability which Kaspa could potentially fulfill over time provided strong execution maintains promised roadmap delivery.

With still being early stage, risks exist, but the expanding team’s pedigree and supportive institutional investors provide confidence. For investors, KAS presents attractive asymmetric upside based on vision, progress milestones and early valuations charting 100X potential in coming years erasing volatility concerns in handling position sizing. With wider trends pointing at growing Web3 adoption across payments, DeFi, Metaverse etc, there is an evident need for scalability which Kaspa could potentially fulfill over time provided strong execution maintains promised roadmap delivery.


Kaspa (KAS) is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a blockchain network. It’s designed to offer fast and scalable transactions. The core feature that sets it apart is its use of the GHOSTDAG protocol, a unique consensus mechanism that aims to resolve the scalability and speed issues found in traditional blockchains. This innovative approach allows for rapid transaction processing, making Kaspa a potentially attractive option for users seeking efficiency and scalability in their digital transactions.

The founding team of Kaspa is not as prominently known as in some other cryptocurrency projects. It appears to be a community-driven project with contributions from various developers and enthusiasts in the cryptocurrency space. The decentralized and collaborative nature of its development reflects a growing trend in the crypto world, where community involvement and open-source development are increasingly valued.

Kaspa works using the GHOSTDAG protocol, a novel consensus mechanism. Unlike traditional blockchain systems that rely on a single chain of blocks, GHOSTDAG allows for the creation of blocks that reference multiple previous blocks. This creates a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure, enabling faster confirmation times and higher throughput. The protocol aims to balance between decentralization, security, and scalability, which are often challenging to achieve simultaneously in blockchain networks.

Kaspa is primarily used as a digital currency for fast and efficient transactions. Its rapid transaction processing capabilities make it suitable for everyday use in digital payments and transfers. Additionally, the underlying technology of Kaspa has potential applications in various sectors, including decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain management, and other areas where efficient, secure, and scalable transaction processing is crucial.

KAS tokens can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges. The availability of KAS on exchanges may vary, and it’s important to choose a reputable and secure platform for trading. Potential buyers should conduct thorough research and consider factors like liquidity, security measures, and the exchange’s user interface before making a purchase.

Storing KAS tokens safely is crucial. There are several options for storage:

  • Hardware Wallets: These offer high security by storing tokens offline. Examples include Ledger and Trezor.
  • Software Wallets: These are more convenient for frequent access. Examples include Exodus and Atomic Wallet.
  • Non-Custodial Wallets: For example, IronWallet, a non-custodial wallet, provides users with full control over their private keys and hence their funds.
  • Exchange Wallets: While convenient, they are less secure than other options as the exchange controls the private keys.

The key differentiator for Kaspa is its use of the GHOSTDAG protocol. This protocol allows for a higher degree of scalability and faster transaction speeds compared to traditional blockchain systems. The DAG structure enables more efficient handling of transactions, making it a promising solution for the scalability challenges that many blockchains face. This technological innovation positions Kaspa as a unique player in the cryptocurrency space, particularly for applications requiring rapid transaction processing.

Yes, KAS tokens can be mined. Kaspa, like many other cryptocurrencies, rewards participants in the network (miners) for validating transactions and securing the network. The process involves solving complex mathematical problems using computer hardware. The specifics of mining KAS would depend on the current algorithm and mining difficulty, and potential miners should research the hardware requirements, electricity costs, and mining pool options to ensure a profitable mining operation.

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