Clover Finance

Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world

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About Clover Finance

Clover Finance is an innovative project aiming to become a one-stop shop for all decentralized finance (DeFi) needs. With a strong focus on interoperability, Clover looks to integrate functionality from major DeFi protocols into one seamless user experience. Theplatform also includes its own native token, CLV, which powers various utilities.

History of Clover Finance

Clover was founded in 2020 by a team of experienced blockchain developers and entrepreneurs. They recognized that while DeFi was growing rapidly, it remained fragmented across many complex protocols. Users were forced to constantly switch between various apps to access different services.

Clover set out to solve this by aggregating the most useful DeFi primitives into a unified dashboard. The team launched Clover initially on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token before expanding to Polkadot as well.

Clover Products and Services

Clover offers a suite of decentralized finance (DeFi) products and services through its integrated platform interface.

Key products include:

  • Decentralized Exchange (DEX) – Seamless token swapping powered by integration with major DEXs like Uniswap.
  • Lending & Borrowing – Access money markets to lend and borrow assets without intermediaries. Integrated with lending protocols like Aave.
  • Structured Products – Automated smart contracts that give users packaged exposure to complex DeFi strategies.
  • Staking Derivatives – Earn staking rewards on other chains without needing to hold the native token.
  • DeFi Dashboard – Portfolio management, analytics, and automation tools for advanced users.

Key services include:

  • Cross-chain Bridges – Move assets and data between blockchains like Ethereum, BSC, and Polkadot.
  • Oracle Feeds – Access reliable on-chain price feeds from Chainlink to enable advanced DeFi apps.
  • Fee Aggregation – Pay platform fees in any token while earning CLV rewards and cashbacks.

By combining these products and services, Clover aims to provide a seamless and unified DeFi experience for users across multiple blockchains and protocols. The platform essentially operates as an aggregator and interoperability layer for DeFi.

Clover DeFi Platform

At its core, Clover aims to be a one-stop interface for DeFi. Its platform integrates functionality from major protocols like Uniswap, Aave, and Chainlink. Users can easily swap tokens, lend and borrow assets, and access price feeds without leaving Clover.

Advanced features include structured products, automation services, and portfolio management tools. For example, users can set up customized strategies to automate complex DeFi transactions. Everything remains non-custodial, maintaining the decentralization of DeFi.

Clover also provides bridges to transfer assets across different blockchains like Ethereum, Polkadot, and Binance Smart Chain. This interoperability unlocks liquidity and expands what users can do on the platform.

What is CLV Token

CLV is the native utility token that powers Clover’s platform. It’s used to pay fees, secure the network via staking, govern protocol changes, and incentivize ecosystem growth.

CLV is an inflationary token with an expanding supply. New tokens are minted as rewards for stakers and distributed to users as “cashback” for platform fees. This mechanism aims to encourage participation and align network incentives.

CLV Tokenomics

CLV has a total supply of 1 billion tokens. Of this, 22% was allocated to seed and private sales, 18% to the team and advisors, 10% to the ecosystem fund, and 40% to the community via liquidity mining.

The remaining 10% goes to the Clover Treasury. This treasury helps fund ongoing development and is managed transparently via on-chain governance.

CLV is a central token in Clover’s “dual token model”. Fees on Clover can be paid in CLV or stablecoins. Paying in CLV earns users discounted fees and cashback rewards. This incentivizes CLV adoption and creates deflationary pressure on the supply.

Clover Ecosystem

Clover utilizes a modular architecture to allow anyone to build on top of the platform. Developers can leverage Clover’s infrastructure and integrated services to create customized applications. These “Clover Apps” can then be discovered and used seamlessly by end users.

For example, developers have already built apps for portfolio tracking, lending services, NFT fractionalization, and more. Clover essentially serves as a foundational layer and toolkit for others to expand the ecosystem.

The team also manages a large grants program to support new Clover Apps. Any revenues earned by the protocol are channeled back into the ecosystem via grants. This kickstarts a positive feedback loop of usage driving development.

Roadmap and Future Developments

Clover has an extensive roadmap planned for the years ahead. Key milestones include launching bridges to additional chains like Solana, integrating zero-knowledge rollups for better scalability, and improving multi-chain infrastructure.

There are also plans to expand the structured products offering, launch a property tokenization platform, and release an NFT marketplace. Clover aims to keep aggregating best-in-class DeFi services to become the most centralized one-stop shop.

On the governance side, Clover will transition more control and ownership to the community over time. There are proposals to make parameters like fee models and treasury management completely community-driven.


Clover Finance is a blockchain infrastructure platform designed to facilitate the creation and operation of decentralized applications (dApps). It’s characterized by its cross-chain compatibility, striving to provide a seamless experience for users interacting with multiple blockchains.

The founders of the Clover project are Viven Kirby, Norelle Ng and Burak Keçeli.

Clover Finance operates as a bridge between different blockchains, allowing for the transfer of assets and information. It integrates the Polkadot framework to enable cross-chain compatibility, making it easier for users to access different blockchain ecosystems without the need for multiple wallets or interfaces.

The primary use of Clover Finance is to provide a unified platform for dApp developers and users. It facilitates the creation of decentralized applications that can operate across multiple blockchains, thereby enhancing the interoperability and functionality of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

CLV token can be purchased on major centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges like Coinbase, and Uniswap.

For storing CLV, a range of options is available:

  1. Hardware wallets like Ledger or Trezor offer high security.
  2. Software wallets that support the Polkadot ecosystem can be used.
  3. IronWallet, a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet, is another secure option, especially for those prioritizing control over their private keys.

Clover Finance distinguishes itself through its focus on cross-chain compatibility and ease of use. By integrating with the Polkadot network, it offers enhanced interoperability and scalability compared to many other blockchain platforms. This cross-chain approach positions it uniquely in the growing DeFi space.

Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, CLV is not mineable in the conventional sense. It operates on a proof-of-stake model, which means that rather than mining, users can participate in the network through staking, which involves locking up a certain amount of tokens to support the network’s operation and security.

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