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About Verasity

Verasity is a blockchain platform optimized for video sharing and digital content. The project aims to transform how videos are distributed across the internet and monetized for creators. Through innovative blockchain technology, Verasity provides enhanced infrastructure for online video, enhanced rewards for viewers, and new revenue models for publishers. This has the potential to disrupt the current digital advertising model.

Overview of VRA Token

The native token that powers Verasity is VRA. This ERC-20 token is used for all transactions on the platform between viewers, publishers, and advertisers. VRA tokens allow for an enhanced user experience through loyalty programs and rewards. They also enable micropayments between platform participants.

VRA tokens are earned by viewers for watching ads and promotional videos. They can then spend these tokens to boost visibility of their own content or tip their favorite creators. For publishers, holding more VRA can boost their visibility and unlock better ad revenue shares.

Verasity’s Video Sharing Platform

At its core, Verasity is a B2C video sharing platform similar to YouTube but built for the blockchain age. It enables publishers to upload and host videos to be viewed by users online and on mobile apps. However, the underlying blockchain architecture provides transparency around views, prevents fake views, and ensures accurate analytics.

Verasity’s Proof-of-View (PoV) technology verifies real human viewers through tokenized rewards and micropayments. This accountability around viewership is a game changer for publisher monetization and advertiser ROI. All stakeholders can trust the platform’s view counts and video performance metrics.

Staking VRA Tokens

One way VRA holders can earn rewards is through staking their tokens. Staking allows VRA holders to earn yield on their investment while securing the network. The more VRA staked, the greater the rewards.

Staking also provides voting influence on the platform’s governance decisions. With higher VRA stakes, users gain more voting power over platform upgrades and new feature proposals. This decentralized governance model ensures all stakeholders have a voice.

VRA Tokenomics

VRA boasts a comprehensive and ultimate cap of 110,356,466,695 tokens, with 10,356,466,695 of these tokens currently available for trade, representing 10% of its overall issuance.

The additional 100 billion tokens have been created as Foundation Tokens. These are earmarked to support the financing of Verasity’s Proof of View advertising initiatives and various other projects.

Key Features of the Verasity Platform

Some standout features that differentiate Verasity include:

  • Proof-of-View technology to accurately count video views and prevent fraud
  • Micropayments between viewers and publishers using VRA
  • Publisher dashboard for uploading content and monitoring performance
  • Loyalty programs and tokenized rewards to engage viewers
  • Support for subscription videos and pay-per-view content

Together these features enable fairer video monetization for publishers large and small. Verasity also levels the playing field against monopolistic platforms like YouTube.

Partnerships and Integrations

To drive platform adoption, Verasity is partnering with various video publishers, advertisers, media agencies, and other blockchain projects. Notable partners so far include Vimeo, Brightcove, Rumble, and Polygon Studios.

Integrations like supporting the blockchain video infrastructure of Livepeer and streaming NFTs through Verasity could provide new revenue streams for publishers. As more partners join, the platform’s reach and utility grows.

Future Outlook and Investment Potential

As a new blockchain project, Verasity is still early stages but rapidly gaining traction. With its monopoly-busting model and focus on fair compensation for publishers, Verasity could evolve into a viable YouTube alternative if adoption continues growing.

For investors, VRA presents an intriguing long-term bet on the future of video monetization. The token has already grown over 5x in 2021 during crypto’s bull market. With more partnerships and platform growth ahead, VRA could continue its ascent, making it a token to watch closely.


Verasity (VRA) is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform designed to improve the infrastructure for video sharing and viewing. The goal is to increase engagement between content creators and viewers through incentivization and transparency on the blockchain.

Verasity was founded in 2017 by a team with backgrounds in digital advertising, video monetization, and blockchain development. The founding team includes RJ Mark, the CEO, who previously founded vDice.

Verasity utilizes a dual-blockchain system with its own native token (VRA) and VeraPlayer video player. The system aims to accurately track views and engagement while providing rewards through Proof-of-View.

The Verasity platform can enable fair and accurate video monetization for creators as well as rewards for viewers who watch and engage. It also aims to prevent fake views or engagements.

VRA tokens can be purchased on major exchanges including KuCoin,, and Uniswap. See a full list of exchanges here.

VRA tokens should be stored securely in a cryptocurrency wallet. Options include non-custodial wallets like IronWallet, which allows users to retain control of private keys, as well as custodial exchanges for easier access. Always use strong security practices when choosing a storage solution.

Verasity seeks to improve the infrastructure for video monetization through blockchain technology. Its proof-of-view system aims to accurately reward engagement in a way that legacy video platforms cannot.

VRA cannot be mined. The total supply is fixed at 110 billion VRA tokens. New tokens enter circulation through participation in the blockchain as well as purchases made by exchanges.

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