Star Atlas

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About Star Atlas

In an era where technology blends seamlessly with entertainment, Star Atlas emerges as a pioneering force, redefining the boundaries of gaming through the power of blockchain. Set in the distant future of the year 2620, this space-themed, grand strategy video game promises an immersive experience within a vast multiplayer metaverse. Leveraging the cutting-edge capabilities of Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, Star Atlas offers players cinematic quality visuals that are not just breathtaking but revolutionary, setting a new standard for video game aesthetics. At the heart of this innovative platform is the integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), enabling a dynamic economy where players can trade, acquire, and create unique digital assets, mirroring the tangible value and ownership seen in real-world assets. Built on the robust Solana blockchain, Star Atlas stands to benefit from unparalleled transactional efficiency, supporting a staggering 50,000 transactions per second (TPS). This foundational backbone not only ensures a seamless gaming experience but also positions Star Atlas as a frontrunner in the fusion of blockchain technology with digital entertainment.

Overview of the Star Atlas Metaverse

In the expansive realm of Star Atlas, we’re witnessing the dawn of a new era in online multiplayer games, crafted with the precision and imagination that only Unreal Engine 5 can deliver. Picture this: a universe so vast and detailed, it mirrors the complexity and beauty of a blockbuster film, set in the year 2620, where the narrative is not just written but lived by its players.

This isn’t merely a game, it’s a fusion of ideas, genres, and technologies. Imagine a world where strategy meets exploration, where your ability to navigate political and tactical landscapes is just as crucial as your skill in piloting a spacecraft through the uncharted territories of deep space. Here, humanity, represented by the MUD faction, finds itself in a cosmic ballet with the ONI – a coalition of alien races, and the Ustur – self-aware androids, all vying for dominance, resources, and survival.

Star Atlas challenges players to think beyond traditional gameplay. It’s an invitation to explore vast star systems, engage in heart-pounding combat, and construct monumental space stations and vessels. From the moment you pledge allegiance to one of the three factions, the universe is your oyster, but it starts safe, in faction-specific zones designed to ease you into the grand adventure that awaits.

The core of Star Atlas’s gameplay lies in its multifaceted approach: deep space exploration that tickles the curiosity of the adventurer, strategic combat that tests the mettle of the warrior, and the intricate economics of mining and resource management that would appeal to the tycoon in all of us. It’s about choosing a profession that suits your style, building alliances that expand your influence, and ultimately, shaping the destiny of a universe.

In essence, Star Atlas is more than a game, it’s a glimpse into the future, a testament to what’s possible when technology meets imagination. It’s about creating a universe where every decision matters, where every action has consequence, and where every player can leave a mark on the cosmos.

How Does ATLAS Work?

Star Atlas emerges as a pioneering universe within the gaming sector, leveraging the Solana blockchain’s remarkable efficiency, affordability, and scalability. This virtual cosmos is crafted using the sophisticated Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite technology, setting a new standard in game development with its advanced capabilities.

At its core, Star Atlas capitalizes on the excitement surrounding the Metaverse and the innovative concept of play-to-earn gaming models. It introduces a decentralized, player-driven economy where virtual lands, assets, and various in-game items are uniquely represented as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This economic model revolves around the Serum decentralized exchange, which operates on the Solana network, facilitating direct transactions among players. This system enables the transfer of in-game possessions without the need for an intermediary, ensuring players retain full control and ownership of their digital assets.

Star Atlas Gameplay

In the expansive universe of Star Atlas, the quest for dominance propels players to extend the reach of their cosmic empires through strategic acquisition of territories, resource extraction, and the exploration of the farthest reaches of the galaxy to unearth ancient relics. Throughout these voyages, players might cross paths not only with fellow adventurers but also stumble upon the remnants of unsuccessful expeditions—abandoned ships, lost weaponry, and the crews of those who once sought glory but met their demise instead. The unique aspect of Star Atlas is that the rewards and items players gather hold tangible value outside the virtual cosmos, offering a compelling motivation to amass and leverage these digital treasures.

For newcomers, the journey begins within the safety of the Faction Security Zone, a space designed for mastering the game’s mechanics and understanding the essentials of combat and weaponry. As confidence grows, players are encouraged to explore the Medium Security Zone, where the stakes are higher, allowing for encounters with other players and the opportunity to claim NFT rewards, which can then be sold or traded.

Some adventurers may prefer the role of a landowner, collaborating with allies to maximize the potential of their domains. In this dynamic, one player might focus on resource extraction, while another deploys these resources on exploratory missions or in battle to secure valuable rewards. The game’s innovative Land Value Tax (LVT) system ensures that land ownership is more than a speculative game; it encourages active utilization of assets, preventing mere flipping for profit. Moreover, players have the opportunity to engage in the buying and selling of land, collecting taxes from their holdings, or leveraging their land as collateral.

As players grow their empire, investments in mining equipment, expansive territories, and formidable spacecraft become critical to achieving supremacy. All assets within Star Atlas are tokenized as NFTs, creating a vibrant trade environment in the Atlas marketplace. This market is also known for its exclusive offerings, like rare spacecraft available during the Galactic Asset Offering (GAO), highlighting the game’s blend of strategy, exploration, and economic simulation in a rich, player-driven narrative.

What are ATLAS and POLIS?

The Star Atlas universe is enriched by the presence of two distinct cryptocurrencies, both of which are anchored on the Solana blockchain, showcasing the depth of its digital economy.

The first of these digital currencies is ATLAS, the foundational utility token that fuels transactions within the Star Atlas cosmos. Players wield ATLAS to procure various NFT-based assets, ranging from spacecraft to vital resources, integrating it seamlessly into the fabric of the game’s intricate economy. Given the critical importance of collecting resources, crafting items, and engaging in commerce, ATLAS naturally assumes a pivotal role in the financial dynamics of Star Atlas.

Conversely, POLIS stands at the other end of the economic spectrum within Star Atlas. Serving as the governance token, POLIS empowers its holders with the ability to influence the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that steers the course of the Star Atlas realm, both within the virtual environment and in broader, overarching decisions. Ownership of POLIS translates into voting rights, allowing members of the community to have a say in the decision-making processes that shape the game’s development and governance.

Future Prospects and Scalability

Star Atlas has strong long-term growth potential as blockchain gaming gains mainstream traction. The multi-year roadmap aims to eventually support millions of concurrent players in a massive expansive universe. Upcoming features like metaverse advertising, celebrity partnerships, esports integration, and mobile support could significantly expand adoption. If crypto gaming achieves mass adoption, Star Atlas is well-positioned with advanced NFT integration and a vast persistent virtual world.

In summary, Star Atlas is one of the most ambitious and cutting-edge blockchain gaming metaverse projects to date. It combines familiar gaming elements like spaceships and exploration with the socioeconomic potential of blockchain. The result is a radical experiment in community-driven economics, entertainment, and technology. While still early stage, Star Atlas demonstrates how NFTs and crypto can enable more open and user-controlled virtual worlds. Metaverse gaming is just getting started, and Star Atlas intends to become a leading force in this emerging arena.


Star Atlas is an ambitious multiplayer online game that allows players to explore, build, socialize, and compete in a virtual metaverse modeled after our real universe. It runs on the Solana blockchain and uses its native ATLAS token. This novel combination of gaming and crypto could lead to new economies and experiences.

Michael Wagner leads as CEO at Automata Inc., the creative force driving the development of Star Atlas. Alongside him, the founding team comprises Danny Floyd, Jacob Floyd, and Pablo Quiroga.

ATLAS, the native token of Star Atlas, can be purchased from major exchanges like FTX, Raydium, and You’ll need a compatible wallet like Phantom or Solflare to hold the SPL tokens. As always, use caution when buying crypto assets.

Since ATLAS is built on Solana, the best storage solutions are Solana-compatible wallets. Non-custodial wallets like Phantom, Solflare, and IronWallet give you full control over your tokens while protecting your keys.

Star Atlas stands out for its immense game world powered by Unreal Engine 5 graphics. It also pioneers a robust in-game economy driven by blockchain assets and tokens. This mix of gaming and crypto is still novel and unproven, but shows immense promise.

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