
Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world

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Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world
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About Neo

NEO is an innovative blockchain platform designed to revolutionize the way we interact with digital assets and identities. By leveraging the power of smart contracts, NEO seeks to create a fully digitized ecosystem that will serve as the foundation for the emerging smart economy.

At the heart of NEO’s vision lies the belief that digital assets and identities are the key to unlocking a better quality of life for individuals worldwide. By automating the management of these digital elements through smart contracts, NEO aims to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and foster trust in the digital realm.

The ultimate goal of NEO is to construct a decentralized, network-based smart economy system that operates through a series of interconnected decentralized applications (dApps). This ecosystem will enable seamless interactions between digital assets, identities, and smart contracts, creating a more transparent, secure, and accessible economic landscape.

As NEO continues to develop and refine its blockchain technology, it is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of the smart economy. With its focus on innovation, automation, and decentralization, NEO is paving the way for a new era of digital empowerment and economic growth.

Understanding NEO

NEO, a trailblazer in the blockchain domain, is meticulously crafting a smart economy. Its core mission is to revolutionize asset and identity digitization through the power of smart contracts, positioning itself as a dynamic and regulatory-friendly rival to Ethereum. NEO’s vision extends beyond mere transactions, aspiring to grant comprehensive access to digital and physical assets with unparalleled trust and minimal permission, a move that’s proving to be a game-changer in real-world applications.

At the heart of NEO’s technological prowess is its distinctive consensus mechanism, the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT). This sophisticated protocol is the linchpin in NEO’s blockchain, ensuring a seamless and synchronized operation across its vast network of computers. dBFT not only fortifies the blockchain’s integrity but also paves the way for the robust NeoContracts smart contract system. This platform empowers developers to forge and execute sophisticated decentralized applications, catalyzing the NEO ecosystem’s expansion.

NEO is not just any blockchain entity, it’s a comprehensive smart economy architect. By harnessing smart contracts for automated digital asset management, NEO transcends traditional boundaries. Its compatibility with multiple programming languages further cements its status as a developer-friendly ecosystem. This inclusive approach has magnetized a burgeoning community of innovators, collectively fueling the growth of NEO’s cutting-edge blockchain infrastructure. In essence, NEO is not merely creating a platform but an evolving digital universe that promises to redefine economic paradigms.

History of Neo

NEO, a groundbreaking blockchain project, was originally conceived in 2014 under the name Antshares. The brainchild of visionary founders Da HongFei and Erik Zhang, Antshares was designed to lay the foundation for the “smart economy” – a revolutionary concept that would transform the way we interact with digital assets and services.

To bring their vision to life, Da HongFei and Erik Zhang organized an initial coin offering (ICO) for Antshares (ANS) in 2014. The ICO proved to be a resounding success, with the project raising over 6,000 BTC, demonstrating the widespread interest and belief in the potential of the smart economy.

In 2016, Antshares underwent a significant rebranding, emerging as NEO – a name inspired by the Greek word for “new” or “young.” This rebranding symbolized the project’s commitment to ushering in a new era of blockchain technology and the smart economy. Users who held ANS tokens were given the opportunity to exchange them for the newly rebranded NEO tokens, marking a pivotal moment in the project’s history.

NEO was presented as the gateway to a more advanced and efficient smart economy, boasting an impressive capacity to process up to 10,000 transactions per second. This scalability, combined with NEO’s focus on digital assets and smart contracts, positioned the project as a leading contender in the blockchain space.

Looking to the future, NEO announced plans for its next major protocol update, Neo 3.0, in 2018. This eagerly anticipated upgrade is set to be officially launched in September 2021, promising to bring a host of new features and improvements to the NEO ecosystem. As the project continues to evolve and innovate, it remains at the forefront of the smart economy revolution, shaping the future of blockchain technology and digital assets.

NEO/GAS Tokens

In the vibrant ecosystem of NEO, two native tokens reign supreme: NEO and GAS, each with a unique role in the network’s economy. NEO, often referred to as the governance token, embodies the power to influence the blockchain’s future. Holders of NEO tokens are granted the authority to participate in the governance process, leveraging their staked tokens to cast votes on pivotal network amendments and proposals.

On the flip side, GAS functions as the lifeblood of the NEO network, facilitating transactional operations and motivating the developer community. This utility token is essential for covering network fees and acts as a driving force behind the innovation and development within the NEO ecosystem. Recognizing the importance of nurturing growth and innovation, NEO has earmarked a substantial reserve of 10 million NEO tokens. These are strategically allocated to incentivize developers and empower the Neo Council, with the token’s market value directly influencing the magnitude of these incentives.

This dual-token model not only ensures a balanced and dynamic ecosystem but also aligns the interests of all stakeholders, fostering a thriving environment conducive to the development and adoption of NEO’s smart economy vision.

Investing in NEO: A Spectrum of Risks and Rewards

Embarking on an investment journey with NEO presents a dynamic interplay of risks and rewards, governed by a complex web of factors that dictate its market trajectory and long-term viability. Investors stand at the crossroads of market sentiment, regulatory dynamics, and competitive pressures, all of which are pivotal in shaping NEO’s investment appeal.

The volatility of NEO, like any cryptocurrency, is influenced by the ever-fluctuating market sentiment. Regulatory shifts across the globe also play a critical role, as they can either propel the platform to new heights or impose constraints that dampen its growth prospects. Furthermore, the relentless tide of competition from emerging and established blockchain platforms can significantly impact NEO’s market position and price.

However, the investment landscape is not solely fraught with challenges. Positive market sentiment can act as a catalyst for NEO’s value enhancement, particularly if it aligns with favorable regulatory developments and a competitive edge in the blockchain arena. For those considering NEO, it’s not just about watching the market cap or price fluctuations, it’s about delving deep into comprehensive research and analysis.

Investors are advised to adopt a vigilant approach, assimilating diverse perspectives and staying abreast of the latest market trends and technological advancements in the blockchain sector. This strategic, informed approach can pave the way for making astute investment decisions, harnessing the innovative potential of NEO’s blockchain platform for potential financial gains amidst the digital economy’s evolving landscape.


NEO coins can be purchased on exchanges like Binance, Coinbase and Kraken. You can trade NEO against BTC, ETH, stablecoins, and fiat currencies.

To securely store NEO, users have several good options like hardware wallets (Ledger, Trezor), software wallets (Neon), and non-custodial wallets like IronWallet that give you full control over your private keys.

NEO is often called the “Ethereum of China”. It supports multiple mainstream programming languages unlike Ethereum. The dBFT consensus also provides higher transactions per second.

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