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About CyberConnect

CyberConnect serves as a web3-based social platform, enabling developers to build social apps that allow individuals to manage their digital persona, content, networking, and engagements. It features the CYBER token, utilized for governance, protocol enhancement votes, and covering the costs for CyberID and transaction fees.

The architecture of the platform includes various key elements, such as CyberAccount, which facilitates seamless user integration without transaction costs; CyberGraph, a robust contract for managing content and relationships resistant to censorship and CyberNetwork, a high-performance, scalable layer 2 network.

History and Background

Social media has become a cornerstone of modern communication and commerce, with platforms like Twitter and YouTube catalyzing the growth of the content creation sector and the broader creative economy. This evolution underscores the significance of online presence, with individuals’ digital identities increasingly influencing their social and economic standing.

In the realm of Web3, the game changes significantly due to blockchain’s power to democratize data and content ownership. Users gain autonomy over their digital assets, free from the constraints of centralized entities. This shift also empowers content creators to innovate in monetizing and engaging with their audience, utilizing tools like tokens and NFTs. A case in point is Friend.Tech, a platform fostering direct interactions between fans and key opinion leaders, which achieved notable success and substantial financial backing, even in a downturn market.

This transition hints at a potential shift from the traditional, centralized creator economy to a more decentralized, participant-led model in Web3. Here, creators and consumers are at the heart of the value creation process.

Looking at CyberConnect, established in 2021 by Wilson, an alumnus of the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, we see an enterprise poised at the intersection of innovation and practical application. With experience in leading various tech ventures, Wilson has guided CyberConnect through significant funding phases, totaling $30.4 million, to pursue a vision of a unified, blockchain-powered social networking landscape. This vision emphasizes a user-centric approach, mirroring the ease of Web2 while championing a creator-focused economy.

As of the last update, CyberConnect’s V2 launch has shown promising engagement, with substantial on-chain activity and user participation, setting a solid foundation for a new era of social interaction in the Web3 domain.

How Does CyberConnect Work?

At the heart of CyberConnect’s architecture are pivotal elements like CyberAccount, CyberGraph, and CyberNetwork, which together create a robust and interconnected system.


At its core, CyberAccount represents a sophisticated suite of smart contracts, encapsulating a user’s sovereign digital identity and intertwining it with their content and social network. This infrastructure is meticulously designed with four integral components, each serving a unique function.

A notable feature of CyberAccount is its management through distinct cryptographic key pairs, setting apart a user’s identity from their general Web3 wallet. This distinction is made more user-friendly through strategic partnerships with entities like ZeroDev and the adoption of standards such as ERC-4337, streamlining network interactions and eliminating the hassle of Gas fees. Collaborations with StackUp and Pimlico have introduced innovative bundling and Paymaster solutions, enhancing the user experience by facilitating gasless transactions, a significant leap towards user-centric Web3 navigation.


CyberGraph, another cornerstone of the system, consists of smart contracts that forge and maintain the nexus between a user’s CyberAccount and their digital interactions. It serves as a repository for rich social data across EVM-compatible blockchains, leveraging customizable middleware for efficient data storage on-chain.

With CyberGraph, every individual holding a CyberAccount is empowered to create and monetize content. Initial content uploads, be they text, images, or videos, are managed through decentralized protocols like IPFS or Arweave. These protocols ensure that once content is generated within the CyberConnect ecosystem, it is anchored to the creator’s digital identity through immutable links in the CyberGraph contracts, thus reinforcing the paradigm of true ownership and mitigating the risks associated with centralized platforms.


CyberNetwork represents a paradigm shift towards a decentralized, transparent framework for data recording and verification. In the current landscape, the financial overhead of blockchain storage is notably high, a factor that, while offering the advantages of programmability and cross-platform compatibility, poses significant challenges in terms of scalability and cost-effectiveness, particularly for the burgeoning Web3 social networking sphere.

Reflecting on the last 11 months, CyberConnect V2’s journey illustrates the urgency of this issue, with over 1.3 million users incurring upwards of $2 million in Gas fees. This scenario underscores the necessity for a scalable, cost-efficient alternative that doesn’t sacrifice the principle of data sovereignty.

Looking ahead, there’s a clear vision for the evolution of the CyberConnect social network. The aim is to refine and enhance the platform continuously, striving to democratize social interactions and transactions within the Web3 space, making them more accessible and economically viable for a broader user base. This commitment to innovation and user empowerment will be pivotal in overcoming the existing financial barriers and catalyzing the expansion of Web3 social networks to accommodate the global user community.

The CYBER Token

Within the CyberConnect realm, the CYBER token stands as a pivotal element, encapsulated as an ERC-20 fungible token with an issuance cap of 100 million units, of which over 11 million were actively circulating as of December 7, 2023.

The utility of the CYBER token extends across various facets of the platform, underpinning its Web3 social framework:

  • Governance: Holding CYBER tokens empowers individuals to partake in the platform’s governance, enabling them to vote on key proposals. This democratic process is facilitated by token holders locking their assets within the system, thereby securing their right to vote and influence the network’s future trajectory.
  • Staking: As a measure to bolster the network’s security and integrity, CYBER tokens can be staked, or locked in, for a designated duration. This staking mechanism not only fortifies the network but also rewards users with additional CYBER tokens, reflecting a dynamic and incentivized participation model.
  • CyberAccount Creation Fees: The creation of new CyberAccount profiles on the platform is facilitated through the use of CYBER tokens, establishing them as the standard currency for initiating and managing digital identities within the ecosystem.
  • Transactional Payments: Beyond profile creation, CYBER tokens serve a vital role in the ecosystem’s economy, functioning as the primary medium for settling gas fees and other transactional costs across the network’s blockchain operations.

This multifaceted role of the CYBER token underscores its integral contribution to the CyberConnect ecosystem, not just as a medium of exchange but as a cornerstone of the platform’s governance, security, and operational frameworks.

What Makes CyberConnect Unique?

CyberConnect stands out in the blockchain landscape due to its innovative principles. Let’s delve into some of these distinguishing features:

Firstly, it’s about interoperability. CyberConnect has pioneered the concept of portable social profiles, which facilitates the smooth transition of social identities across diverse social and blockchain environments. This is pivotal in creating a more connected and accessible digital world.

Next, we have composability. Through its integration with the DeSoc stack, CyberConnect offers developers a streamlined way to embed social functionalities into their applications. This not only simplifies the development process but also enriches platforms with robust social graph capabilities tailored to their specific needs.

On the programmability front, CyberConnect is a game-changer. It empowers developers to craft bespoke smart contracts catering to unique scenarios, such as profile management and content distribution. Furthermore, it opens avenues for creators to launch subscription models, thereby monetizing their content and cultivating a dedicated audience.

Lastly, scalability is a critical aspect where CyberConnect shines. It addresses the limitations of previous blockchain models by adopting a hybrid scaling strategy. This approach combines off-chain storage solutions, significantly reducing network load and boosting transaction capacity. This is crucial for maintaining high performance and reliability in the evolving blockchain ecosystem.


CyberConnect is a web3 social network characterized by its decentralized and composable protocol. It empowers users with ownership over their digital identity, content, connections, and monetization, allowing developers to create social applications that leverage these aspects.

CyberConnect was founded by a team of four: Wilson Wei (CEO), Ryan Li (CTO), Zhimao Liu (VP of Engineering), and Shiyu Zhang (Head of Product). They conceptualized CyberConnect while working at BitTorrent, driven by their interest in web3 design.

The CYBER token can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. It can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance Exchange. The token supports various trading pairs such as CYBER/BNB, CYBER/BTC, CYBER/FDUSD, CYBER/TRY, and CYBER/USDT.

CYBER tokens can be securely stored in crypto hardware wallets, also known as cold storage. These wallets, like Ledger Nano X and Trezor Model T, are designed to keep private keys offline and protect digital assets from online threats. They support multiple blockchain networks and are not connected to the internet, except during crypto transactions, ensuring enhanced security for stored cryptocurrencies.

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