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Non-custodian wallet that helps you to find the best opportunities in the crypto world
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About Flare

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Flare represents a pioneering Layer 1 Proof-of-Stake blockchain. What sets it apart is its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), a feature that underscores its commitment to achieving interoperability across various platforms. At the core of Flare’s innovation are its homegrown protocols: the State Connector, the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO), and Layer Cake. These technologies are not just bells and whistles, they are the backbone of Flare’s mission to offer an integrated and functionally rich experience. By harnessing the power of FLR, Flare is at the forefront of enabling smooth integration and expanding capabilities within the blockchain ecosystem.

Understanding Flare (FLR)

Flare stands at the crossroads of innovation and interoperability in the blockchain world, bridging the once distinct ecosystems of Ethereum and XRP through its Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible platform. This groundbreaking approach enables the execution of smart contracts on the XRP network, a capability previously out of reach. At the heart of this venture is the Flare token (FLR), the native currency that powers transactions and facilitates a myriad of activities within the network.

Central to Flare’s design are two foundational protocols: the State Connector and the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO). The State Connector is a novel mechanism that securely incorporates external data into the blockchain, paving the way for more dynamic and responsive smart contracts. Meanwhile, the FTSO serves as a decentralized, secure fountain of off-chain data, continuously feeding reliable information into the network through smart contracts.

The utility of the FLR token extends far beyond simple transactions. It underpins the network’s security, contributes to the decentralization of the FTSO, and plays a crucial role in governance and the payment of transaction fees. This multifaceted approach not only enhances network functionality but also safeguards against congestion and malicious activities, such as DDoS attacks.

Flare’s journey began with the announcement of the Flare token (initially known as the Spark token) in 2020, signifying a new era of connectivity between the Ethereum and XRP blockchains. In a gesture of inclusivity and shared prosperity, XRP holders were entitled to a 1:1 distribution of FLR tokens, with the initial airdrop launching in January 2023. This distribution introduced 15% of the total 100 billion FLR tokens into circulation, marking the first step in Flare’s long-term vision to foster a fully integrated, interoperable blockchain ecosystem.

Origin and History

Flare’s inception was spearheaded by a trio of visionaries: CEO Hugo Philion, CTO Sean Rowan, and Chief Scientist Naïri Usher. Their academic journey at University College London—Philion with a focus on Investment and Financial Risk Management and a Master’s in Machine Learning, where he crossed paths with Rowan, and Usher with a deep dive into Quantum Computing—laid the groundwork for their collaboration.

The narrative of Flare began to take shape with the publication of its initial whitepaper in August 2020 under the Spark token moniker, outlining ambitions to bring smart contract functionality to platforms previously incompatible, notably Ripple’s XRP Ledger. This period also marked significant milestones, including a robust investment from Ripple Labs’ Xpring in 2019 and a successful $11.3 million fundraising in 2021, backed by entities like the Digital Currency Group and notable figures such as Do Kwan and Charlie Lee.

A pivotal moment came in December 2022 with the release of the Flare v2.0 whitepaper. This document not only heralded the transition of the Spark token to FLR but also expanded on the technological advancements and directions for the Flare network, signaling a new chapter in its quest to enhance blockchain interoperability and functionality.

FLR Token

The Flare Network’s native digital currency, initially introduced as Spark and later rebranded to FLR in October 2022, plays a pivotal role within its ecosystem. More than just a typical cryptocurrency, FLR is designed to facilitate unique interactions within the blockchain space. It functions as a blockchain oracle, seamlessly connecting smart contracts with external data and software systems, thus acting as a critical bridge for information.

Furthermore, FLR’s utility extends to serving as collateral within decentralized applications (dApps), empowering users with the capability to engage in trading activities. Beyond its financial applications, FLR is instrumental in enabling user participation in protocol governance. This includes leveraging its capabilities to interconnect different networks, a feature that significantly influences the interaction between nodes across systems and the routing of data between ecosystems. Such functionalities underscore its importance not just as a currency, but as a foundational element in the governance and operability of the Flare Network.

How many FLR tokens are in circulation?

From the outset, the Flare Network set its sights on a grand vision with a total FLR token supply of 100 billion. The journey of these tokens into the world follows a structured path:

  • Public distribution led the way with approximately 28.5 billion FLR tokens.
  • A significant reserve, about 20 billion FLR, was dedicated to the cross-chain incentive pool.
  • The initial circulation, known as month 0 supply, stood at 12 billion FLR.
  • The lion’s share, 58.3%, of the initial FLR tokens, was earmarked for the community, encompassing public distribution, cross-chain incentives, and ecosystem support.
  • The Flare team, advisors, and early supporters were allocated 19.2%, recognizing their foundational role.
  • Lastly, 22.5% was reserved for Flare entities, focusing on product development and strategic investments, underscoring a commitment to innovation and growth within the Flare ecosystem.

Use Cases

Understanding Flare (FLR) and its multifaceted roles within the blockchain sphere is crucial for appreciating its value proposition. At its core, FLR incentivizes bandwidth providers to secure cross-chain transactions, rewarding them for bolstering the network’s integrity.

Beyond this foundational role, FLR extends its utility by empowering token holders with governance rights. This democratizes the decision-making process, allowing them to contribute to blockchain enhancements. Additionally, FLR holders can increase their holdings by delegating tokens to support the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO), further securing the network.

In essence, Flare emerges as a Layer 1 blockchain championing interoperability and high-security standards. Its design not only promises to streamline value exchanges across diverse networks in the digital asset landscape but also sets a precedent for the integration and evolution of blockchain technology.

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